Ball Bearing & Extended Butts Satin Stainless Steel

  • Specification:
  • Pozi Drive Screws
  • WeldCap Secure Fix System
  • BS EN 1634-1:2000 Fire Tested
  • FD60 Timber
  • FD240 Steel
  • BS EN 1935:2002 Performance Tested
  • Certifire CF336

Click on any of the following links to download the file.

No detailed specifications are available for this product.

Code Description Price Quantity
FRI-14841 Extended Butt Hinge Grade 13 Stainless 102mm x 102mm x 3mm £10.94 (exc VAT) per Pair
FRI-14842 Extended Butt Hinge Stainless 127mm x 102mm x 3mm £15.35 (exc VAT) per Pair
FRI-14852 Butt Hinge Grade 7 Sat Stainless Steel 3" x 2" £3.53 (exc VAT) per Pair
FRI-14854 Butt Hinge Grade 13 Sat Stainless Steel 4" x 3" x 3mm £5.11 (exc VAT) per Pair
ES-HIN1322 Butt Hinge Sat Stainless Steel 75mm £5.46 (exc VAT) per Pair
ES-HIN13225-11-SSS Butt Hinge Grade 11 Sat Stainless Steel 75mm £7.08 (exc VAT) per Pair